Dechlorinators > Pond Detoxifier
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Pond Detoxifier
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Pond DetoxifierWe are not currently taking online orders. To order please call 724-869-3317. We are Western Pennsylvania's PREMIERE pond and water garden supplier. |
DescriptionAquascape Pond Detoxifier makes tap water into pond water. Because tap water, including well water, often contains chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals, that if left untreated can cause damage to the pond ecosystem.
Usage: #98876 - 8.5 oz. - 1 bottle treats up to 5,000 gal. & 1 pump treats up to 100 gal.
#98877 - 16.9 oz. - 1 bottle treats up to 10,000 gal. & 1 pump treats up to 100 gal. |